Saturday, August 6, 2022

Having your best camping trip


Having your best camping trip can be planned out but you'll never realize it was your best until after looking back on all of the fun that you have had on the trip. Those trips for me have been some of the most memorable experiences that I have had in my life. When planning a camping trip with your friends you never know if it's going to be your most memorable trip camping trip or just fun but average trip. I think that there are three things that make up a memorable camping trip which are you need at least a week there, a location or locations you never camped at, and a few good friends.

My dog Zuko on a hiking trail at Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe.

 When thinking of all of the camping trips  I have taken over the last few years when I first started to get into this lifestyle was when I took a trip with my cousin up North towards  Tahoe I have visited Tahoe a few times before but this was my first camping trip there as well as my cousins. We took the nine-hour drive on the 395 freeway and met up with my friend Johnny, he is from San Diego but he at this point lived in Tahoe for a long time and knew all the great places to boondock camp. We first drove out to Lost Lakes which was up a very shaky road dirt road up to 8,120ft of elevation and stayed the night there it was a very isolated location with some of the most gorgeous views that I have seen. Being in the wilderness like that in such an Isolated location made me realize that I was camping in a spot that was so remote most people might go their entire life without ever hearing about and that thought really resonated with me.

My dog Zuko standing on the rocky terrain that overlooks the Lost Lakes,

The other location we camped at during this week-long camping trip in Tahoe was we camped over in Hope Valley and stayed at Burnside Lake which resides in it. This Location had some really beautiful scenery and trails. When you're in Hope Valley it's so vast it really puts into perspective of what our American landscape looked like before we tore it apart. We stayed at this spot for about five days total fishing, cooking, going out on our rafts on the water, and just having a good time all around. My dog was also with me on this trip and he was just 8 months old on his first big mountain trip, you could tell how happy and stimulated the mountains and nature were for him. The thing I enjoy about this camping trip and what made it a memorable one was we did a lot of different things but were never set on a schedule during this trip, it took a lot of stress away from the vacation that I have had on others. This trip to me was special for a variety of different reasons such as the new location, being with friends/my dog, and having a week to decompress my stress away.

 A video clip of a beaver dam that I encountered in Hope Valley

    Having your best camping trip is significant because it sets the bar on how to have really fun camping trips. It's a little different for everyone so you just have to experiment with it until you find what makes you have your best camping trips. I assume you the audience have an idea of what might make for your best camping experience, you should try that out and if it doesn't make for a memorable camping experience get rid of the aspects you didn't like about your trip, and expand on the aspects you liked about your last trip. You might have your best camping trip early into your experiences with camping or way down the line when you're already an experienced camper. The best thing about having your best camping trip is that it's always subject to change depending on if you have a really good trip camping or not.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dylan. It looks like you and your dog have a great time on all of your adventures. I liked that the message behind this blog post was pretty much "life is what you make of it". Using a camping trip you provided the audience with an outlook on life. the "best" camping trip isn't the one where you spent the most money or went to the fanciest camp site or any of that. Your blog post emphasizes that the best camping trip is the one where you have the most fun. This really makes me want to get out there and take some more adventures with my dog. we frequently go hiking, but i've always wanted to go backpacking or on a huge adventure with him.


Having your best camping trip

                                                                                   Having your best camping trip can be planned out but you&...